Thursday, February 24, 2011

Universal Consciousness God Holy Ghost Comforter Next Prophet Moshiach Messiah Mashiach Kalki Avatar Incarnation How to Realize?

Universal Consciousness God Holy Ghost Comforter Next Prophet Moshiach Messiah Mashiach Kalki Avatar Incarnation How to Realize?

Many of the God believing people from across the World believe that A Divine Entity or Supreme Power or Universal Consciousness Force will Arrive on the Earth, like Holy Ghost The Comforter, Next Prophet, Moshiach, Messiah, Mashiach, Kalki Avatar, Tenth Incarnation, etc.,

The Ancient Indian Vedic Science Says that We Can Realize and Visualize the Universal Consciousness Force or God, which has been named differently by the people of different faiths and beliefs, from across the World.

The Real Yoga means Union of Soul with God or Universal Consciousness Force.

The Real Yoga involes Chanting of a Mantra Received from a Empowered, Enlightened Guru.
In Real Yoga, the Practitioner is not required to perform any Yoga.

His Body undergoes different Involuntary Yogic kriyas, mudras, aasanas and pranayam, depending upon his bodys requriment.

This Automatic Yoga is Induced and Controled by the Awakened Innes Power ‘KUNDALINI’, under the full and final control of the Guru.

This Kundalini is Awakened by the Guru through Transmission of Power using MANTRA.

It is the VIBRATIONS of the VOICE coming from A Enlightened Empowered Guru that produces the Result.
Guru Ram Lalji Siyag, popularly known as Guru Siyag is the Spiritual master from India,Who Has made it possible to Practically differentiate between the Real and the Artificial YOGA and MEDITATION methods.

Every Curious Human being of the World Can Now get the benefits of Real Yoga and Meditation, Sitting at Home, in any corner of the World.


Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga Online Initiation by Guru Siyag Mantra Video.

Now Anyone Can benefits of Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga Method of Meditation and Yoga for Spiritual Evolution and Holistic Healing -A Practical Method of "Living A Worthy Life" full of Inner Peace and everlasting "Aananda" or Joy, resulting in all round development of Human Being, finally aiming at the "Next Evolutionary Development" in Humans.

You Can get it right now, sitting at Your Home, from any corner of the World, totally free of Charge, using this VIDEO CLIP.

All You have to do is to carefully watch this Video clip to receive this divine knowledge from Guru Siyag, and after receiving the Transmission of Energy from Guru Siyag, through the VIBRATIONS of Guru Siyag's Voice contained in this Video clip, through the "MANTRA" -"Kling Kreeshn Kling", pronounced by Guru Siyag, in this Video Clip.(This Mantra Works Only if heard in Guru Siyag's Voice, from Video, mp3 or personally).

After receiving this Mantra You Have to follow the Method of Meditation as follows -

Method of Meditation - How to Meditate - World's Best Meditation Technique Learn Free.

Sit in a comfortable position.

You can sit cross-legged on the floor, lie down, sit on a chair / couch etc., to meditate.

Look at Guru Siyag's picture for a minute or two until you remember the image.

Then close your eyes and say silently to Guru Siyag, "Help me meditate for 15 minutes." You can choose a time-limit according to your convenience, for eg., 5 / 10 /12 /... minutes.

Then, with your eyes still closed, think of Guru Siyag's image at the place between your eyebrows (also known as the third eye). This means that you have to try to imagine Guru Siyag's picture in your mind.

While thinking of the image, repeat silently (Chant) for 15 minutes the mantra given by Guru Siyag.

During meditation, you may experience certain automatic yogic postures or movement of your limbs. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases.

Do not panic or worry.

These actions, happen involuntarily, are ordained by divine force, and they are needed for your internal cleansing and readying you for further progress.

You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past and future events.

These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path.

However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don't need these experiences.

You will notice that your meditation will come to an end exactly when you reach the time limit you had set prior to starting meditation.

GSSY Can Be Practiced:

By Anyone of any religion, creed, nationality

Anytime morning, noon, evening, night

For any duration 5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes

Anywhere office, home, bus, train

Anyplace on chair, bed, floor, couch

In any position cross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair

Facing any direction East, west, south, north etc.

By any age child, young, middle-aged, old

For any disease physical or mental and freedom from any kind of addiction

For freedom from any stress related to family, business, work or existential questions.

More info on-

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